Sunday, December 27, 2015

Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval

Merry Christmas! If you are wondering where I have been, why not wander over to my public Facebook page, Celebrating Advent and Christmas with Children? There you will see some of the activities that I have been involved in during the months of November and December. I also administer the Living Advent Facebook page and the Arlington Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Facebook page. 

I have some exciting news, on December 1, 2015 my book, Celebrating Advent and Christmas with Children received the CATHOLIC WRITERS GUILD SEAL OF APPROVAL! I am thrilled to receive the honor and will tell you a bit more about the Catholic Writers Guild in up and coming posts.

Today is the feast of the Holy Family and I want to share with you a few treats that you could make with your children today or any time during the Christmas season. The season itself does not end until the Baptism of the Lord, which takes place on January 10, 2016 this year. Don't let anyone suggest Christmas is over before then.  Christmas is a season and this week we are in the Octave of Christmas, that is 8 special days which participate in the feast of Christmas day in an expansive manner. So whether you make treats today for the Holy Family or another day during the Christmas season, I hope you enjoy them and share a few with others who aren't able to make the treats themselves.

Cookie Lollipops for the Holy Family, p. 124 in my book or get the Kindle version free on December 28, 2015! Check out the details on my public Facebook page, Celebrating Advent and Christmas with Children

Coventry God-Cakes, p. 128

King's Cake, p. 156

Stained Glass Star Cookies, p. 160