Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mexican Treat - St. Juan Diego, Dec. 9

St. Juan Diego is a recent addition to the universal calendar of Advent saints. He was beatified on May 6, 1990 and canonized in July of 2002. Born in 1474 in what is now part of Mexico City, he came from the Chichimeca people. Poor in material goods, he was a gentle and virtuous man.
When Juan Diego was fifty years old he became a Catholic. He was instructed in the faith by Spanish missionaries. In 1531 seven years later, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him several times requesting a chapel be built in Mexico City to introduce her Son to the Indians of Mexico. Juan Diego's mission was to take this request to Bishop Zumarraga and persuade him to build the chapel. Twice Juan Diego approached the bishop with the request and was put off. The third time the mother of Our Lord gave Juan Diego a sign that the bishop had required to indicate the request was authentic and not a figment of Juan Diego's imagination. Beautiful roses from the hills of Tepeyac were to be given to the Bishop. Placed in his tilma (poncho) with great care Juan Diego brought them to Bishop Zumarraga. When he opened his tilma the roses spilled out. The bishop was amazed at roses in the month of December, but he was even more amazed at the picture of the Blessed Mother appearing on Juan Diego's tilma. These two signs along with a third one, the healing of Juan Diego's dying uncle, convinced the bishop that the Mother of God had indeed appeared to Juan Diego.
In the weeks following the miracles, the chapel was built and completed. The Indians of Mexico came to view the miraculous image of Mary hanging on the tilma in the chapel. A great number were converted to the Catholic faith. Juan Diego was granted permission by the bishop to become the caretaker of the chapel and the tilma with the miraculous image. He continued in this capacity until his death in 1548. Today the miraculous image hangs in the cathedral in Mexico City for all to see. Juan Diego through his responsiveness and perseverance to the Blessed Mother's request helped bring Jesus and the Catholic faith to the Mexican people.
If you are looking for a book, St. Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe by Josephine Nobisso or The Lady of Guadalupe by Tomie dePaola retell the story for young readers.

Here is a treat from Mexico to celebrate Juan Diego's feast day. To busy to bake? Buy some
churros or bunuelos to celebrate the feast! A cup of Mexican hot chocolate would be tasty, too!

4 cups of milk
1 Abuelita Tablet (can be found in Hispanic Food section of store)
sugar to taste

Warm milk and add Abuelita tablet. Let tablet dissolve.Transfer to blender and blend thoroughly. Pour into cups.



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