Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Parade of Foods for Holy Week and Easter: Monday

Monday of Holy Week
Some people seem to be able to write and bake or prepare food to observe Holy Week and celebrate Easter. I am only able to do one or the other. Here are some of the foods or items made from food ingredients that I baked this week. They are Catholic food customs from various ethnic traditions that I like to incorporate into our family life each year. Now that my children are grown up and three of the four of them are married, I enjoy continuing these traditions with the grandchildren. Most of the foods are shared with the family at our Easter dinner, but the Hot Cross Buns are a breakfast staple that my husband enjoys for many days.
 Bread Dough Crucifixes
(I made these with my grandchildren ages 6 & 7 years old.)
 This is my seven year old granddaughter fashioning her crucified Lord.

 Here she is painting the crucifix after it has been baked for an hour and then cooled.

 Here is her finished crucifix.

This crucifix can be saved for another year by storing it in a plastic ziploc bag and placing it in a cool, dry place.

 Here is a metal cut-out that can be used to make a bread dough cross. You could put the body of Christ on it and then it would be a crucifix.

This is a bread dough cross made, designed and decorated by an adult.

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